Operator & media owner of this webpage

(Mandatory information according §5 Sect. 1 of the Austrian e-Commerce Art (ECG) and §24 Media Act)

Weisses Rössl Plank KG
Klaus Plank
Kiebachgasse 8
6020 Innsbruck

Phone: +43 512 583057-0
Fax: +43 512 5830575

Bank details

IBAN: AT402050301500008006

Angaben nach §5 ECG

Company name: Weisses Rössl Plank KG
Company number: ATU 53498807
Company form: KG
Commercial Register Number: Landesgericht Innsbruck
VAT identification number: ATU53498807
Chamber affiliation: Wirtschaftskammer Innsbruck
Area of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure with all it’s additional business

Legal body responsible for the contents: Klaus Plank (contact information as above)

Mandatory information according to §5 Sect. 1 E-Commerce & Media Act (ECG)

We hereby expressly dissociate ourselves from all contents of all linked pages on our website and we do not adopt their contents. Should we have inadvertently violated any copyright rights, so we ask you to notify these as quickly as possible so that the links, texts or images concerned can be removed from our website. Copying all of our texts (incl. source) and photos on our pages is not permitted without our approval. Please also notice the cookies we use on this site and on the blog.

Conception, layout

A – 6020 Innsbruck


  • Fotoarchiv Weisses Rössl
  • Andre Schönherr
  • Innsbruck Tourismus
  • Horeca

Web-Booking Engine

Ing. Peter Rainer
Achenweg 2
5760 Saalfelden

Information on online dispute resolution pursuant to Article 14 (1) of Regulation (EU) no 524/2013

The EU Commission offers the option of online dispute resolution on a platform operated by it (the “ODR platform”). The ODR platform can serve as a focal point for the out-of-court settlement of disputes arising out of online purchase agreements or service contracts. This platform can be accessed via the external link https://www.ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr.


Layout and design of the overall site, as well as individual elements thereof, such as logos, photographs, emblems, etc. are copyright protected. The same applies to editorial content; individually and in selection and composition; any alteration of these is not permitted. Public use of the site and contents thereof may be made only with the agreement of Weisses Rössl.

Legal Notice

Contents published in www.roessl.at are researched with the greatest of care and technical services are programmed to the best possible standards. However, Weisses Rössl takes no responsibility for 100% accuracy. All information is supplied without liability. We take no responsibility for direct, indirect or other damages, regardless of their cause, incurred through the use of content or services to be found in www.roessl.at.
Our offers include links to third party websites whose content we have no authority over. For this reason, we cannot take responsibility for the content of third party websites. The provider or administrators of the site are responsible for the content of the linked sites. The linked sites have been checked for possible legal violations at the time the link was created. No unlawful content was found at the time the link was created.

Gender notice

We place great emphasis on non-discrimination. In the interest of better readability of the texts, we either use the masculine or feminine form of personal nouns. In no way is this intended to imply any exclusion or discrimination of the other gender. Men and women are therefore equally addressed by the contents of our website. Thank you for your understanding!

Disability Equality

This website is not fully functional, unfortunately for people with physical disabilities, such as vision, hearing or motor function. We apologise for the delay and are happy to explain here ready through other channels my services. We are happy to refer here to the Arbitration Board for Disability Equality Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Austria.

Cookies and other technologies

This website uses cookies to enable all functionalities for best performance during your visit. Should you wish to decline persistent cookies to be sent to you, kindly adjust your computer accordingly. If you continue browsing the site, you are giving implied consent to the use of cookies on this website. See our Cookie Policy for details.


Das Hotel Restaurant Bar Weisses Rösll takes data protection very seriously and treats all personal data with the utmost confidentiality. When we receive data from you via our website, we only use the data for the intended purposes and never pass them on to third parties. More information to the privacy statement…

Copyright © 2023 – Weisses Rössl – Klaus Plank. All rights reserved!

Last updated 05.04.2023